- under one's own steam
- независимо ни от кого, в одиночку, без помощи других
I'll make it under my own steam – я сделаю это сам
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
I'll make it under my own steam – я сделаю это сам
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
under one's own steam — By one s own unaided efforts • • • Main Entry: ↑steam * * * (with reference to travel) without assistance from others we re going to have to get there under our own steam … Useful english dictionary
under one's own steam — ► under one s own steam without assistance from others. Main Entry: ↑steam … English terms dictionary
under one's own steam — {adv. phr.}, {informal} By one s own efforts; without help. * /The boys got to Boston under their own steam and took a bus the rest of the way./ * /We didn t think he could do it, but Bobby finished his homework under his own steam./ … Dictionary of American idioms
under one's own steam — {adv. phr.}, {informal} By one s own efforts; without help. * /The boys got to Boston under their own steam and took a bus the rest of the way./ * /We didn t think he could do it, but Bobby finished his homework under his own steam./ … Dictionary of American idioms
under\ one's\ own\ steam — adv. phr. informal By one s own efforts; without help. The boys got to Boston under their own steam and took a bus the rest of the way. We didn t think he could do it, but Bobby finished his homework under his own steam … Словарь американских идиом
under one's own steam — by one s own efforts, without help He was able to go home under his own steam even though he was feeling very sick … Idioms and examples
under one's own steam — without assistance from others. → steam … English new terms dictionary
steam, under one's own — Without assistance … A concise dictionary of English slang
steam — ► NOUN 1) the hot vapour into which water is converted when heated, which condenses in the air into a mist of minute water droplets. 2) the expansive force of this vapour used as a source of power for machines. 3) momentum; impetus: the dispute… … English terms dictionary
steam — n. & v. n. 1 a the gas into which water is changed by boiling, used as a source of power by virtue of its expansion of volume. b a mist of liquid particles of water produced by the condensation of this gas. 2 any similar vapour. 3 a energy or… … Useful english dictionary
steam — /stim / (say steem) noun 1. water in the form of a gas or vapour. 2. water changed to this form by boiling, and extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc. 3. the mist formed when the gas or vapour from… …